Scharioth Macula Lens

Scharioth Macula Lens (SML)

The Scharioth Macular Lens (SML) is a special multifocal intraocular lens, developed for patients who suffer from age-related macular degeneration or other macular diseases, for example high myopia-assosiated maculopathy. The unique feature of the SML lens is that it specifically corrects vision problems experienced in the macular area.

The macula is the part of the retina that is primarily responsible for detailed vision, such as reading and recognizing fine details. The uniqueness of the SML lies in the fact that, unlike multifocal lenses that generally aim at correcting distant and near vision, the SML specifically focuses on correcting problems experienced in the macular area while preserving the patient's peripheral vision."

Therefore, those patients who suffer from near vision deterioration because of age-related macular degeneration or other macular diseases and must use magnifying optical devices such as hand-hold magnifying glasses, SML could be an advantageous solution. The implantation of the SML could be performed with the cataract operation together as a combined lens surgery or as a second step surgery (so-called add-on implantation), mostly under local anasthesia with eyedrops. The result of the SML implantation is the improvement of near vision and reduction of its further deterioration. The SML does not influence or improve the distance visual acuity. The indication of the implantation SML should be tested and measured with special visual tests before surgery.

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